More than 4 million adults were estimated to be living with glaucoma in the US in 2002, anterior uveitis has potential as a biomarker for early detection of Kawasaki disease, and people with high exposure to fine-particle ambient air pollution may be at risk for glaucoma. Source: AAO
During the Infectious Keratitis Symposium at AAO 2024, Maria Woodward, MD, MS, discussed the development of risk thresholds to better understand clinician uncertainty in the initial diagnosis of microbial keratitis. Source: AAO
A systematic literature review and meta-analysis were conducted to evaluate the current local, systemic, and biologic therapies used in patients with non-paraneoplastic autoimmune retinopathy (npAIR), a challenging disease for which there is no standard treatment protocol. Source: AAO
At Eyecelerator AAO 2024, Reginald Sanders, MD, discussed barriers to the adoption of technology in the retina space, explaining key puzzle pieces that new technologies must address in order to be successful. Source: AAO
Real-world treatment of diabetic macula edema may cost much less than estimates based on the strict Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research (DRCR) Protoco approach would suggest. Source: AAO
This study reviewed whether racial, ethnic, and sex representation in Pediatric Eye Disease Investigator Group (PEDIG) trials reflects the general United States (US) pediatric population. Source: AAO
Patients who undergo Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) with 6% C3F8 gas may be at lower risk of requiring rebubbling than those who receive 20% SF6. Source: AAO
Biomarkers of intestinal permeability are found in patients with glaucoma, NYU Langone receives a research grant to investigate whether early signs of Parkinson disease and Alzheimer’s disease can be seen in the retina, and weather changes may affect IOP. Source: AAO
The viable gestational age of premature babies has decreased over time. Given this, investigators sought to determine whether retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) screening examinations should commence earlier than 31 weeks postmenstrual age. Source: AAO
Regular use of an oral micronutrient supplement in patients with AMD appears to slow the spread of geographic atrophy (GA) toward the macula. Source: AAO
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