Patients with retinal vein occlusion (RVO) are unlikely to be at any increased cardiovascular risk due to treatment with anti-VEGF agents according to a large-scale Danish study. Source: AAO
Until now, there has been a lack of published information on why and how often patients with anatomical narrow angle progress to full-on primary angle-closure glaucoma. Source: AAO
Cultivated epithelial cell grafts show promise for limbal stem cell deficiency, EYLEA 8 mg receives US approval, retinal layer thickness may predict Parkinson’s disease, and untreated ocular syphilis affects quality of life. Source: AAO
The Clinical Activity Score is a long-established measure of thyroid eye disease (TED) activity, but observers’ scores are known to vary widely, potentially leading to over- or underestimating the need for additional treatment. Source: AAO
The use of bidirectional tightening of the anterior lamella may be a less invasive method of correcting involutional lower eyelid entropion. Source: AAO
The programmed cell death-1 inhibitor cemiplimab was studied under real-world conditions for its efficacy in treating squamous cell carcinoma with orbital invasion. Source: AAO
Calcium hydroxyapatite filler is used in aesthetics for facial wrinkles, and may also be helpful in treating volume loss in the anophthalmic socket following enucleation or evisceration. Source: AAO
A perfluorohexyloctane ophthalmic drop appears to offer significant relief from dry eye signs and symptoms according to the results of the MOJAVE clinical study. Source: AAO
Medical students and residents can learn about ophthalmology with a case-based online tool, fibrin glue reduces ecchymosis severity after surgery, insurance coverage is no guarantee of regular pediatric vision testing, and once-weekly eye drops are in active development. Source: AAO
A phase 3 trial reveals similar performance between aflibercept and an aflibercept biosimilar for the treatment of neovascular AMD. Source: AAO